Monday, January 4, 2016


Hello to all of you who subscribed to my blog in 2010/2011, as well as anyone else who is joining now! I'm taking off again on another world adventure, so for those who are so inclined, I'd love for you to follow along.  I did really well at this blogging thing at the beginning of my last stint abroad, but in the end, I got so far behind that my blog died somewhere mid Costa Rica (a good month before I ended my travels).  As over four years have passed, I feel it is silly to recap the parts I missed (despite my OCD urge to do so).  So I am going to just focus on this current journey.  I will try to do my best to blog as much as possible. I hope you enjoy!

I'm currently typing this entry somewhere over Europe en route from London Heathrow (via LAX) to South Africa. My current trip outside of the US will be about three and a half months, but don't be surprised if it continues.  Two things you need to know to understand how I got here.  First, after my return to the US in 2011 I got a job as an event planner for the Los Angeles Times. In my 3.5 years with the company I worked on some incredible events with some absolutely amazing people.    Second, about a year ago I reconnected with Timmy, the South African guy that Mads and I met while staying in the hostel in Buenos Aires.  After a few visits back and forth, it was obvious that the connection we shared 5 years ago was still there, and we started officially dating.  

Now, the one problem with dating someone who lives halfway across the world, is that he lives half way across the world.  Luckily Timmy is a self-employed film maker and has the ability to travel and work around a much more flexible schedule.  So for 6 months we made it work.  But we both knew that this couldn't last long.  Do you believe in the perfect timing and that things work out for a reason?  I always have, but my relationship with Timmy has only strengthened my belief in this.  Not only how we reconnected, but also everything that is happening now.  We'd been talking about our future, and had talked about traveling for a bit before we settle down someplace.  Like a sign from the universe my company sent out an email saying they were offering buyouts in order to cut budgets/salaries. While I hadn't been there long enough to collect a big payout, it seemed silly not to take free money and the chance to take a major leap of faith.  So I did!  I've now been (f)unemployed again for 36 days.  Despite having done this before, it's such a surreal feeling.  This time is different.  

It's funny because without realizing it, my 10 year plan is kind of falling into place.  And yet I have NO idea where the future will take me/us.  All I know is that I am madly in love and am traveling the world.  So eventually we'll figure out the "real world stuff."  For now, I'm just enjoying the ride.  
Pictures from our travels can be found on Timmy (@timmyhenny) and my Instagram accounts as well as on Facebook. #TVontheRoad

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