Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Mario Kart (the Santorini edition)

After a few days of lying out on the beach and getting baked (read fried) we decided to take some time to explore the island a little. Despite being small, the different parts of Santorini are quite spread apart. The best way to explore the island is to rent a motorbike. Laura was SO excited to get on a scooter again (she spent 10 days exploring the lay of the land in Thailand last year). Seeing as how neither of us had ever ridden one before, Ash and I were a little scared. Well, in the end we gave into our fear and rented ATV quads. It really didn't help that the lady at the rental shop insisted that if we were not experienced drivers we WOULD be in danger. The minute I showed a little hesitation she told us we would need to do a practice run in front of her to prove we were experienced enough to rent a scooter. Laura tried giving us a pep talk about how easy it was, but the lady was staring at us and I really felt under pressure.

While they did not go as fast as Laura's bike - Ash and I had a blast zipping around town on our four-wheelers. Ash hit it on the nose by saying she felt like she was in a real-life MarioKart video game! If you’ve ever played the game, just replace avoiding Donkey Kong’s banana peels with unpaved roads and potholes, and the Dungeon Racecourses with the Greek Islands and you can pretty much get a clear visual of the three of us racing around the island.

Add wine to the mix and the game gets even more fun. Despite hearing that Greece had notoriously bad wine, we decided to stop at one of the many vineyards - Santo Winery - to do some tasting. BEST DECISION EVER! We started sharing just one flight of wines, which turned into 4 additional half glasses…each. The views were so great Not only was the wine actually good, but the view was gorgeous! We decided we had to stay for sunset! I feel like my driving improved tenfold after I has a little wine in me (please note I do not condone drinking and driving).

Well I better log off as Laura and Ashley have already headed back to the room to pack. Tomorrow we’re off to Naxos Island (on the 8am ferry). Despite being on a beach vacay we have not had many days of sleeping in. One of these days we are going to do it!

Check-out my recently uploaded albums on Facebook to see more pics: Istanbul, Cappadocia and Greece.

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