Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Fun Times in Cape Town: Festivals, Weddings, Cricket and New Friends!

When all is said and done, Timmy and I spent about a month in Cape Town. Our time seemed to go go by so fast! Due to his work schedule and a cold that made me man-down for about a week, I feel I did very little exploring. But that's okay as there is always more time! Much of the time we had was spent with Timmy's incredible group of friends. They all welcomed me into their circle immediately with open arms and hearts and I feel so blessed to have met each and every one. They really make Cape Town feel like my home away from home. Here are some highlights of our fun times!

Wolfkop Weekender for Amy and Tal's Bachelors 
We got back from Europe and went straight to a music festival for Timmy's friends - Amy and Tal's - bachelorette/bachelors party. 

Wolfkop Weekender is an intimate gathering (500 max attendees) and music event; a best-kept secret, hidden deep within the Citrusdal Valley (2 hours outside of Cape Town). Taking place twice a year, the summer Lilo River Flow festival, makes for perfect days on the river.  Everyone brings lilos (flotation devices) and create a sort of floating super-highway. From the river you can see the stage and listen to music day and night. Camping is down stream from the festival site. We finally went camping!! Just with hot water showers, flushing toilets and food trucks. Okay so it's not really camping but I still slept outside in a tent so that has to count for something, right?!

The group set up a girls camp and guys camp with about 12 people in each. I had an official space in a 6 person tent with Liv (from Paris), Amy (the bride) and her 2 sisters Bailey (Timmy's best friend Mose's girlfriend) and Kelly. I ended up sleeping in Timmy and Andre's tent both nights - all three of us cuddled up in a 2 person tent, so cozy! For the most part we all hung out as a group, but as it was a bachelors weekend, we did separate activities for the bride and groom-to-be. The girls went off and had a picnic where we showered Amy with underwear and shared stories about her and Tal. Having only met these girls a few hours before, you would think that it would be awkward, but it wasn't! The minute I arrived they all gave me a huge hug and stole me away from Timmy to hang with them. It was so sweet and made the weekend so fun and comfortable. 

Mumford & Sons 
The party continued the following Friday at the Mumford & Sons concert. The concert was at the Grand Parade - the main public square in Cape Town surrounded by the Cape Town City Hall, the Castle of Good Hope, and the Cape Town railway. As it was down the block from Timmy's apartment I decided we should host everyone at our place before the show. While Timmy worked on the edit of his video, I went out and shopped for cheese and crackers, veggies and dips and a nice selection of booze. All one needs for a good pre-party. The concert was amazing and had such a great vibe. Despite all claiming the need to have an early night, we all went back to the apartment for one (or more) night cap. The partying never seems to end here! 

Amy and Tal's wedding
The next weekend was the big event everyone had been waiting for - Amy and Tal's wedding! The wedding was located on a farm outside of Riebeek Kasteel - 87km/54 miles (about an hour) from Cape Town. The venue was all inclusive with cottages or dorms for every guest. Once we arrived we were set for the weekend. Friday night started with a big bring and braai pot luck to kick off the wedding festivities. We recovered the following day with swimming in the beautiful dam and relaxing in the shade (it was a scorcher!). The wedding ceremony was very causal and so sweet and personal. There was not a dry eye in the house! The incredible dinner that followed took place under a beautiful vine-covered gazebo.  There was one long table for all the guests that was beautifully decorated by Amy's friends. In South Africa, a good friend or family member is in charge of being the host of the night, introducing the couple and all the speakers. Mose (Amy's now brother-in-law) was the MC for the night and did a killer job! We later danced the night away under the stars until the sun came up (we went to bed at 7AM!!!). It was quite the jol (South African slang word for party)! I was so happy to be there celebrating an incredible day with this special couple. Even though I had only known these people for 2 weeks I felt as if I had been part of the group much longer.

The Cricket
One of our last weekends in town, we went to a T-20 cricket match with a big group of friends. I was told that I was very lucky with such an exciting ending. South Africa (the Proteas) beat England on the last ball of the night. Thanks to Bailey I think I somewhat understand the game, but mainly I enjoyed chatting with friends and drinking $1 beers. which is clearly the point of most sporting events.  

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And now #TVontheroad is off again! Next stops: New Zealand, Indonesia, Japan and the States. Stay tuned! 

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