Friday, May 13, 2011

Feliz Día de Acción de Gracias

Kristine, Melvin and I hosted an amazing dinner!

Just because we were thousands of miles away from American soil, doesn't mean we couldn’t celebrate one of our favorite holidays – Thanksgiving! Kristine, Melvin and I decided it would be appropriate to throw a potluck to give thanks for being American while we live abroad in fabulous Argentina. As soon as arriving to Buenos Aires, we started discussing our plans for the big day. As mentioned before Melvin likes planning parties as much as I do – so clearly this was going to be a big day.

It was decided that we would host the dinner at Kristine’s apartment as it had a large living room and back yard. The next step was the food. Kristine’s mom came out to visit in early November and was able to bring some necessities like real cranberries as well as corn meal for Melvin’s famous (read: AMAZING) corn bread stuffing. Kristine was able to find a mini turkey – called “Pavito” – at the local super market Jumbo (which she decided would henceforth be called "The Land of Dreams”). We supplemented the remaining meat necessity with rotisserie chicken (sometimes you gotta improvise). The rest would be at mercy of our guests. I asked people to sign up for the necessities (mashed potatoes, green beans, salads, pies, etc…)
My friend Melissa came into town the week of Thanksgiving

We started the day at Melvin’s prepping and cooking some of the food while we drank mimosas. We accidently bought the brand Ades, which is soy juice, so the first batch tasted like creamsicles. We were in such a festive state, that it was kind of strange walking the streets and realizing that no one else was celebrating this big day.

The spread: with turkey and all!
The perfect plate

The dinner turned out to be such a big success! We had about 35 people in attendance and such an amazing spread of REAL Thanksgiving food! It was really nice to be so far from home with celebrating this day with so many new friends!

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