Since arriving to Buenos Aires I really dropped the ball when it came to writing in my blog. I was so good about keeping it up-to-date while traveling in Brazil this past summer. At times, Mads thought I was crazy because I was so insistent on going to an internet cafe, or when that wasn’t possible penning a quick entry into my journal just so I could stay up to date. Then I moved here... and sadly I did not keep it up. In fact, I just checked my blog and the only entry written while in Buenos Aires isn’t even about my times here but rather my month home between my travels. I spent the last month (April) traveling with my friend Laura. She was so good at writing about our adventures in
her blog. Being with her made me really sad that I let me blog fall to the wayside. So I have been inspired me to start up again.
The main reason I stopped blogging is that I have OCD issues and feel that I cannot write about what is going on now, without writing about what had happened before. I had some great experiences to write about in November- but couldn’t write them until I talked about my first month in Buenos Aires. I figured it would be fine... I’d take some time to catch up and then continue blogging. No big deal. Well I got busy... November turned to December, and December turned to January. I made it my New Year’s resolution to catch up. I had no plans in January... It’s funny how easy it is to fill empty time. I had to catch up on my
TV shows, catch up with friends on Gchat or Skype, go for a run or to spin, go out and explore the town, hang out with friends, etc… Pretty much I didn’t have a lot of time to sit on my computer and work on 3+ months of blog entries. The next thing I knew it was April.
This time it is going to stick! I have decided to take some serious time to work on it- treat it like a "part-time job". It will inspire me to get out of bed and do something productive with my days. I spent one of our 20+ hr bus rides making notes of things I need to back track on. The good thing is I have
Facebook albums for most of the things. And while I have failed at blogging, I tried to write good descriptions on all of my albums so my friends and family were being somewhat kept up to date with my life.
After being off the radar for 8 months I don’t expect you all to read 20+ entries. This is mainly for my own sake. However, for those of you who are bored at work, I do promise good stories and pictures of some great adventures!
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