Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Feliz aniversario Madá

Saturday June 12 was Madeline's birthday. It also happened to be Dia dos Namorados (Valentine's Day) in Brazil. We left the hotel at 1pm not knowing that we would stay out for the next 12 + hours. The day started at a feijoada- traditional brazilian cuisine with live samba (see video). A few hours and caipirinhas later we wandered into a bar to watch the USA v England match.

After the tie (which was more like a win for the US as it was a lucky goal)
we decided to keep the party going. We met up with 15 of Manuella's single friends and completely took over one of their favorite restaurants. All around us couples were trying to have romantic dinners while we sang, laughed and drank. The running joke was that the manager offered to pay our entire tab if we would leave. The beer did not stop flowing, every time our glasses were near empty they would magically be refilled. I never heard anyone ordering more yet there were no complaints. The more we drank the funnier the jokes got and the louder we became not your typical V-day. I can't remember the last time I laughed so har
d, ironic being that I do not speak the common language at the table.

Just when we thought the night was ending after a 6 hour dinner, Manuella decided to stop by another party to say hello to some other friends. 20 minutes later Mads and I were off to a reggae show with our new found friend Manuella' s neighbor, Ulysses. São Luis is well known as the Jamaica of Brazil. Since Mads loves reggae and she is the birthday girl, we were not going to let the looming 6 am wake up call stand in our way. It was a surprisingly great show, we danced non-stop to the band Raiz Tribal at a cool beachside venue.

All in all it was very long and randomly amazing day. Mads says it was one of her best birthday celebrations, and we both agree it was a phenom Valentine's Day!

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