Saturday, July 3, 2010

"Jeri" by Madeline

***Sorry for the delay in posting. We have had very limited internet access, but don't worry we are keeping up-to-date in our journal and will post whenever possible.***

Jericoacoara is a cool bohemian get-away for people in Fortaleza. However I would not call it a must see of Brazil. It is amazing for kite surfers, as there is lots of wind, but in terms of beach going one could probably skip the 6 hr bus ride. The town is very cute with only sand roads, 4x4 access only, (not so handicapped friendly) but I managed. There were some very charming restaurants appropriate for couples honeymooning hahah. We kinda felt as thought the tours they offered were a bit of a stretch as to what was considered "tour worthy." An ecological hike translates into a jaunt over a grassy knoll in flip flops. Not sure a "guide" was necessary. Vast lakes were the highlight of the excursions with hammocks suspended by sticks on the shoreline submerging you in the refreshing water. Vans got to sled down some dunes for $5 reais as I watched jealously from the top.

Jeri is a very over priced lil town and does not have any ATMs- go figure. We met some cool people on the tours, Vans had some Portuguese relief with the American siblings, Sam & Melissa, we met from Ohio. Nightlife exists, and starts around 11pm hitting its peak at 2 am. The club there was fun, I couldn't resist dancing samba even with my boot on. Thank god they only played it for about 10 min or I would have been on my ankle all night! Jeri is full of backpacking tourists from around the world. Pretty much a hippie town selling 35 dollar t-shirts.Vans could not resist a photo opp with an adorable 2 year old at the bar which thus roped us into buying overpriced earrings from her father. All in all the night was more exciting than the day because we got to eat at romantic restaurants and meet interesting foreigners and dance under a beautiful moonlit beach.

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