Friday, May 20, 2011

Cumpleaños número 27 para Vandria

For those of you who know me, you know that my birthday is my favorite day of the year. You also probably know that I typically go big, usually taking the ENTIRE month of March to celebrate my birth. So that being said, you know it's a big deal when I say that despite being away from most of my friends and loved ones, my 27th birthday was one of the best I have had!
Melvin was so generous to let us start the night off with an Asado at the hostel he works at - Bait. As expected Tyler was an amazing Asador cooking the traditional Argentine meats: chorizo, vacio and bondiola.

After we all consumed the better parts of a cow/pig and drank plenty of Quilmes and Fernet y colas we danced the night away to Cumbia as we took a one-hour ride around town on a trencito (children's train by day that moonlights as a party bus for big kids by night). The trencito was SUCH a success! Tyler could not stop talking about it for the rest of the week. Needless to say it was an amazing night filled with such incredible people. Thank you to all who helped out and attended! XOXO!

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